We manage a tailored long-term share portfolio on your behalf of carefully chosen JSE listed shares.
We have a long-term track record of successfully managing segregated JSE share portfolios. We are also able to provide the local portfolio management service wrapped in a Momentum endowment to reduce capital gains tax.
We manage a tailored long-term share portfolio on your behalf of carefully chosen Globally listed shares.
We have a long-term track record of successfully managing segregated global share portfolios and are able to provide the global portfolio management service wrapped in a Momentum endowment to reduce capital gains tax. We also provide asset swap facilities to trusts, companies and individuals
We manage retirement annuities, living annuities, preservation provident and pension funds in a Personal Share Portfolio administered by Momentum.
We also manage corporate pension and provident funds and provide employee benefit services for your employees' future financial independence.
The Independent Global Flexible Fund invests globally and aims to achieve long-term US$ capital appreciation in a simple and tax efficient investment vehicle.
Our simple and time tested philosophy is to invest in a portfolio of great companies at an attractive price. We vigorously pursue companies that have demonstrated they can sustainably deliver returns in excess of cost of capital, generate robust cash flow and show a growing earnings stream. Of course each investment is filtered through our proprietary valuation model to ensure that investment returns are consistent with long-term client expectations.
Earn the average daily rate of the top four money market funds by investing in Investec Corporate Cash Manager
We provide an advisory and execution-only service.
We provide safe custody for your investments and transact only on your instruction. We can execute on the JSE or in over 20 000 shares globally